13 Jan 2015

décore - Lantern 'Giant Wicker Berry Jar'

Giant Wicker Mason Berry Lanterns

One of my first table scapes Lighting/Decor inspirations with giant sized jars wrapped with rope/twine. Although I bought these, they wouldn’t be hard to make. One would simply glue on rope to the tops of giant jars. Feed through jump rings to attach a handle – done. I filled these guys with giant Berry candles which smelt amazing on the hot summer nights. From Chapter ‘Candle’ (Link)
✧☾ What I Used ☽✧
Giant Rope wrapped Jars
Berry scented pillar candles
Fresh Poinsettias
Pegged Saucers (Link)
24k dining set (Link)
Shallots pegged (Link)
✧☾ Directions ☽✧
... Simply arrange and enjoy
... Thank-you, don’t forget to follow and Share.
Some More Post Links Below;

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